
Monday, June 17, 2013

Classroom Pictures, Theme or No Theme?

Howdy! Happy Monday, y'all! :) It is a rainy night in Georgia!  Hubby and I were lucky enough to get in a mile walk before the bottom fell out.  Last week we were not so lucky and we needed a boat to get home! ;)

So I'm sitting her procrastinating, because I really do have a MILLION things to do!  However, I'm reading blogs, thinking about next year, and checking out Pinterest.  My last post was a Linky Party of all the fun things I wanted to do in my classroom next year.  After looking at all the other link-ups I am completely jealous! My room doesn't have a theme at all!  Do others feel this way to?  Do you think it is best if things are matchy-matchy?  

Here is what I started the school year with.  In these pictures I am actually short 6 desks!  Yes, at one point I needed 32 desks in this small room!  

This is sitting at my desk looking towards the back of the room.  I have my little library, computer station, and Vocabulary Wall.

This is looking from my desk and straight ahead.  You can see my Conferencing/Teaching Table, Visitors desk,  Promethean Board, and the small bulletin board to the right is for Standards and EQ's.

I added this to our room after school started.  It is a 4-H information station!  There were homework assignments, class projects, skate night info, plus camp things pinned to this all year long!  At the moment you see a few due dates from our 4-H Coordinator.

Again, this is from my desk looking towards the back right.  The vocabulary wall is still in the pictures, plus the sink area.  The white baskets are where students kept their SS notebooks.

From my desk moving towards the front.  Not too much going on in this picture.

I'm planning for next year, but I don't know if I have enough time or money for all that I want to do!  Is it really horrible?  


  1. I don't have a theme either, but I do try to stick to a blue and lime green color scheme which helps everything feel united. As awesome as I think it is to center around "superheroes" one year and "owls" the next, it just isn't me.

    I feel you on the 32 desks! I usually have 30!

    Mrs. Harris
    Mrs. Harris Teaches Science!

    1. Mrs. Harris, glad I'm not alone on the theme and desks! Maybe I should stick with a color scheme, too.


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