Thursday, April 7, 2011


Happy Spring Break to my fellow teachers around Augusta, Georgia. Can you believe that it is Thursday evening? Let us enjoy these next few days and relax our bodies. We need to be ready for our little ones next week!

I would like to welcome you to my inspiration blog. For those of you who know me, you know that I have blogged in the past. I was actually an avid blogger, but it was all about my personal life and things I was going through. I quit blogging because I got tired of writing about myself and having the same few people comment, no offense.

However, here I am again starting a blog about inspiration. You may scratch your head and ask inspiration for what, and I can only tell you "TEACHING!!!!" I am a first year teacher that has been inspired at the abundance of resources available. I love visiting other teacher's websites and blogs because it makes me giddy. I want to recreate almost EVERYTHING I see to utilize it in my classroom. I know that it is impossible to do so, but I can dream!

So, why do I need to make a blog about it? I can only hope that I can inspire another teacher one day. I've decided to post my ideas and activities that I think are/were helpful in my class and even post ideas I have seen on other sites. I would love to have a central place to send my teacher friends to see the things I have found from others. I am not here to "steal," only to centralize those ideas and concepts. Many of my friends have other things they enjoy, like gardening, scrapbooking, or watching television. My hobby is to surf the web for AWESOME ideas and try to recreate or "tweek" them to use in my class.

I also would like a place that my teacher friends can share their ideas with me. Many times I am at a loss of what to do because I think I have tried everything! I would love for a reader to say, "YOU SHOULD TRY THIS...."

I hope that you understand and that you continue to visit my blog. I will try to update frequently!! I want this to be a useful blog, not a boring read my diary type thing. :)

So sit back, scroll up, and start commenting! :)

This is as much your site as mine. Enjoy!

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